Still feeling blessed


A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about being and/or feeling blessed.. Still working, making progress toward our goals etc. Since then all that has changed. Hours are cut in half And by all accounts business is so slow that seems a shut down is inevitable. Soo, with that (especially around holidays) comes all kinds of stress and anxiety. So that pretty much set the tone for next few days. As i was driving to work in the morning to see if i had the opportunity to get a couple hours in. I was met by a neat looking sunrise which then got me thinking about dawns and new days beginning. Everyday is a gift, we've all heard it and most believe it but how often we forget to be thankful for the small things, the things we mostly take for granted. Family, friends loved ones and yes.. Even waking up above the soil. We will find our way or rather be guided thru this just like always. Excited to see what's coming next !! With these lemons life hands us we will make some lemonade and enjoy the show. In short.. Remember the  little things, stay positive and never stop moving onward and upward !


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